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Polytechnic English 1st Semester Chapter 9: DOER TO MENTOR.

  Answer the following in 4 to 6 sentences 1: Explain the terms: Doer and Mentor. Ans.: Doer : A doer is like a baby learning tiny steps. A doer does everything. It may be a work of coding system, system architecture accounting administration bark office as business development. Doer is solely responsible for all activities. Thus doers 1st stage is to involve in all activities and learn. Mentor : Mentor is a grown up state of doer. Doer days teach how to act. Manger days guide how to manage. Leadership teaches how to create mangers. Mentor means to create leaders and develop them to lead the organization. Mentor inspires people to reach the goal of the organization. A mentor is creating a vision to all the runners to achieve organization 2: Explain the terms: Delegator and Leader Ans.: Delegator : Transition from a doer to a delegator covers the responsibility like to delegate work and monitor the work progress. As a delegator one had to be a good listener. Work issues are to be tackle

Polytechnic English 1st Semester Chapter 8: SAVE YOURSELF

Answer the following in 4 to 6 sentences 1: Express your views/ideas on: Road Safety. Ans.: Road safety refers to the methods and measures used to prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured. In today’s world road transport has become an integral part of every human being. Everybody is a road user in one shape or the other. The present transport system has minimised the distance but it has on the other hand increased the life risk. Every year road crashes lakhs of lives. We should follow all the following rules to be safety on road: 1) Often come across instructional hoardings.(which says don’t drink and drive) 2) Wear seatbelt while driving 3) Don’t honk unnecessarily 4) Drive car or other vehicle with 40km/hr. 5) Red light jumping is an offence. 6) Wait at the Zebra crossing to cross the road. 7) Two wheeler riders should wear helmet. 8) Don’t use mobile while driving. 2: Express your views/ideas on: Save Yourself from Mobile Addiction. Ans.: Smartphone addiction is bec

Polytechnic English 1st Semester Chapter 7: ARUNIMA SINHA: A BIOGRAPHY.

Answer the following in 4 to 6 sentences 1:Name the academy started by Arunima and states its motto. Ans.: 1. Arunima started Sahid Chandrashekhar Azad Viklang Khel Academy (Freedom Fighter Chandrashekhar Azad Sports Academy for disabled children). 2. The motto of this institute is to provide the very best sports facility to handicap children,especially the poor. 2:Name the awards won by Arunima Sinha. Ans.: Arunima Sinha won the award, the Padma Shri, In 2015, the 4th highest civilian award in India. 3:Express your views/ideas on: Positive thinking. Ans.: 1. Positive thinking is the life and breathes of all success. 2. Thinking positively generates positive and creative force both mentally and physically 3. In a severe accident Arunima lost her legs. She became physically handicap but the only thing which helped him to climb the mountain is her strong positive thinking. 4. She lost her leg in 11th April 2011 and reached the summit on 21st May 2013, she climbed the mountain in dramatic

Polytechnic English 1st Semester Chapter 6: BE REMARKABLE.

Answer the following in 4 to 6 sentences 1:. State the importance of situational intelligence. Ans.: 1. To select a person on the basis of higher marks obtained by candidate is not the correct way of selection. 2. Hence HR people realized their mistakes to recruit people only on marks are no fair. 3. Besides IQ and EQ test for recruitment, HR people introduced SQ. 4. It stands for situational intelligence quotient. It is needed when decisions must be taken on the spot. 5. In critical situations if you are not the decision maker, you don’t have enough data, you need to make your choice and take decisions. 6. You must know how to calm down people in tragic situations, how to establish positively able to rule with composure during huge losses, identify and present solutions to problems. 2: Express the views of author about the scoring marks for the career. Ans.: 1. According to author considering scoring marks for the career is a misleading parameter. 2. Because only scoring better marks